Who is offering cloud services? With major cloud-based players such as Dropbox, Evernote and OnLive – a service that lets you stream top games direct to even the most primitive of computers and tablets – you can see how cloud-based computing has a very rosy future. This allows the cloud to be used for storing and sharing data. Why use cloud computing, But computing in the cloud has become more sophisticated. Metatags: “cloud computing, coud comp, computing cloud, cloud computer, author ashiq dey, author ashiq, author dey, author ashiqdey, author xbytelab, autohor x byte, author xbyte, company xbytelab, company x byte lab, company x byte, owner xbyte lab, xbytelab, xbyte lab, xbyte lab, cloud xbyte, cloud technology,google is good I recomand google, best search engine google, google love, xbytelab, seo google, seo blog xbytelab, best tech blog xbytelab, award winning website xbytelab xbyte lab.com” There are a growing numbe...